Foreign teachers applying to give lectures at Witelon Collegium State University in the framework of Erasmus+ programme are obliged to send filled out Mobility Agreement – staff Mobility for teaching to:
1) Emilia Strynkowska
2) Małgorzata Witkowska
Mobility Agreement - staff Mobility for teaching:
- must be complete (planned period of the stay, all data of receiving and sending institution, language of instruction, proposed mobility programme – all charts must be filled out),
- there must be a description of every lecture, not only a topic (please, note that in our University a lecture lasts 1,5h),
- must be signed by the person responsible in sending institution and the teaching staff member,
- the minimum number of teaching hours is 8 (4 lectures – 1,5h each).
Complete Mobility Agreement is forwarded to a proper department. The lectures must be relevant to our field of study. Please, note, that it takes at least a few days to get the document accepted by the Dean of the department. Only when the Mobility Agreement is accepted by the person responsible in the Receiving Institution invitation letter may be issued.
The minimum level of English of a lecturer is B2.
The original of the Mobility Agreement (with the original signatures of the person responsible in the sending institution and the lecturer) must be sent by regular post to the following address:
Collegium Witelona Uczelnia Państwowa
Sekcja ds. Współpracy z Zagranicą
ul. Sejmowa 5 C
59 -220 Legnica
Polska / Poland
We do not accept incomplete applications
Sekcja ds. Współpracy z Zagranicą
ul. Sejmowa 5C (pokój 216, II piętro) 59-220 Legnica
Tel:+48 76 723 23 47, +48 76 723 23 46
Fax:76 723-29-05
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