The deadline for Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator of the sending school to submit via e-mail an official note concerning the students to be sent to our university is:
15 May (winter semester) and 15 November (summer semester).
The note should be sent to the following e-mail address: and it should include the following information:
student’s name, surname, sex, date of birth, place of birth, address, e-mail address, information on the semester (summer, winter), academic year and number of months the student is going to study in Poland for.
31 May (winter semester) and 30 November (summer semester)
we should be sent the following documents with original signatures by regular post, and also scans to our emails:
- incoming student application form
- learning agreement for studies- before the mobility
- accommodation form
- photocopy of student’s passport and/or ID
- 2 passport size photos (3,5 x 4,5 cm)
On reception of the above-mentioned documents we will send a letter of acceptance to your coordinator via regular mail.
A month prior to the student’s departure we should be sent the following:
- photocopy of the student’s visa (if applicable)
Sekcja ds. Współpracy z Zagranicą
ul. Sejmowa 5C (pokój 216, II piętro) 59-220 Legnica
Tel:+48 76 723 23 47, +48 76 723 23 46
Fax:76 723-29-05
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nowoczesne formy zajęć interaktywnych
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ścisła współpraca z pracodawcami